Lynx Coding

Lynx Coding was created by the Canadian group that created the visual programming platform Scratch.  It is considered to be an intermediate level course using the Logo Language.


Charlotte Brown

Charlotte was a grade 11 student in CDSBEO and a Teen Ambassador from Canada Learning Code. She has been coding for the past four years using various languages, which include HTML & CSS, Python and Lynx.

Molly Ryan

Molly was a 7th grade student in UCDSB. She participated in Hackergal events and had been a part of Beckwith Tech classes including graphic design and coding. The main platforms she used are Gravit and Lynx Coding.

Johanna Clifton

Johanna was a 6th grade student in OCSB. She attended Hackergal events and had been coding for over a year at that point. She had taken lessons in coding and graphic design, and she is skilled with the platforms Lynx, Scratch, and Gravit.


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